March: in like a lion and out like a lamb.
The classes looked for signs of spring outside – robins, tree buds, daffodils, etc. They talked about weather and each day someone would set up the weather chart and dress the weather bear. They brought home pussy willow branches and spring flower paintings.

The morning class continued with their alphabet lessons: o for opposites and an obstacle course, p for parables of Jesus and penguins, q for queen Esther and a quilt of handprints, r for Rahab and roads, s for Samson and the sandbox, and t for turtles. They are memorizing the 23rd Psalm as a class and practicing for the show in May.

The afternoon class finished classic stories like Little Red Riding Hood, the Tortoise and the Hare, and the Three Little Pigs. They also built Jericho’s wall and matched around with trumpets like Joshua did. Plus, they “sailed” in a boat as Jesus calmed the storm. They are also working hard in practice for their show in May.

Both classes enjoyed green fun for St. Patrick’s Day. They are looking forward to Easter next month. Registrations for next year are available online and at the door of the classroom…please share with your friends and neighbors.

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